saec. IV
Agennius Vrbicus is the author of one of the texts on land-surveying included in the Corpus Agrimensorum Romanorum. The manuscript tradition present variations in the form of his name; modern scholars occasionally call him also Agen(n)us Vrbicius.
His treatise, entitled De controuersiis agrorum, concerns possible legal controversies regarding land and how each of them can be resolved. The original complete work of Agennius Vrbicus is lost. The text transmitted to us includes the description of the original plan of work, which was in at least six books. The first book was on the artifex, the second on the ars, the third on the scientia metiundi; the fourth included the text on controversies that has come to us. The only information available to us on books five and six is that they continued the treatment of the scientia metiundi. There is no sure proof that the fragments unrelated to controversies come all from the fourth book.
We lack external information for dating Agennius Vrbicus. His date rests entirely on the dating of his treatise, which scholars have good arguments to place in the fourth century AD. [D. Paniagua; translation L. Battezzato]