Uncertain date
Antonius Musa is considered the first notable figure in Roman medicine. He was active in Rome at the end of the 1st century BC. Brother of Euphorbus, the personal physician of Juba II, King of Mauretania, and pupil of Themison of Laodicea, Antonius Musa was the trusted physician of the emperor Augusts as well as of other notables such as Maecenas, Agrippa and Horace, who mentions him in Epist. 1, 15.
A number of short works and fragments on medicine and phytotherapy, all spurious, has come to us under his name and auctoritas: De herba uettonica, Epistula ad Maecenatem, Precatio Terrae matris, Precatio omnium herbarum. [D. Paniagua; tr. L. Battezzato]