Uncertain date
The person known as Papirianus (Paperianus in some codices) is cited by Priscian and summarized by Cassiodorus in the De orthographia. During the latter work, in a section drawn from the homonymous work of Papirianus, the author includes a synopsis of a passage that derives from the first book of Donatus’ Ars maior. This fact could allow us to place Papirianus’ work after the middle of the 4th c. AD; considering that the synopsis is found at the end of a section and confirms what preceded it, however, it may have been added by Cassiodorus himself (Kaster). The terminus ante quem is nevertheless certain, being established by Priscian’s Institutiones (start of the 6th c. AD). It is highly likely that this Papirianus is to be identified with a certain Quintus Papirius, whose name is attached to a fragment of a work called De orthographia and who is cited as the author of a treatise entitled De analogia. [S. Mollea; tr. C. L. Caterine].