Reference edition:
Corpus medicorum latinorum VI 1. Caelii Aureliani Celerum passionum libri III. Tardarum passionum libri V, edidit Gerhard Bendz, Pars I, Berolini in aedibus Academiae Scientiarum, 1990.
Caelius Aurelianus was a Roman doctor, active in the Africa proconsularis between the fourth and the first part of the fifth century AD. The tree books of his Celeres passiones are a Latin translation of the section on acute illnesses from the treatise Περὶ ὀξέων καὶ χρονίων παϑῶν by Soranus of Ephesus. The treatise includes medical discussions on fourteen illnesses: De phrenitide, De lethargo, De apprehensione uel oppressis, De pleuritica passione, De peripneumonia, De cardiacis, De synanche, De apoplexia, De conductione et distentione, De hydrophobia, De acuto tormento, quod Graeci ileon appellant, De satyriasi, De cholericis, De defluxione. The work is a rich doxographical source for the Greek and Latin medical tradition of the age preceding Soranus' treatise. [D. Paniagua; trad. L. Battezzato]