Reference edition:
Svetonio De poetis e biografi minori, restituzione e commento di Augusto Rostagni, Biblioteca di Filologia classica diretta da G. De Sanctis e A. Rostagni, Torino 1956, pp. 28-46.
Aelius Donatus’ commentary on Terence is preceded by a Vita Terenti that ought in large part to coincide with that of Suetonius, as is evident from a note by the same Donatus: haec Suetonius Tranquillus. This suggests that the entire preceding passage (§1-7 in Wessner’s edition = b) Rostagni) is a transcription form Suetonius’ text. It seems that only the subsequent passage (§8-10 = c) Rostagni) can be attributed to Donatus, who probably excerpted it from other sources. The life constitutes the chief source that we have for the biography of Terence. [F. Stok; tr. C. L. Caterine].