Reference edition:
Grammatici Latini, V. Artium Scriptores minores. Cledonius Pompeius Iulianus etc., ex recensione H. Keilii, Hildesheim 1961, 447-488 (reprografischer Nachdruck der Ausgabe, Leipzig 1868).
This work is divided into two books: the first is dedicated to conjugations, the second to the final forms of verbs. The manual enjoyed wide diffusion in the Middle Ages, being commented on by both Remigius of Auxerre and Sedulius Scottus, who called it Eutex. Besides its examination of verbal inflection, it contains many literary citations. Vergil is the most frequent of these, followed by Horace and Lucan; prose authors are quoted less frequently [A. Balbo; tr. C. L. Caterine].