Reference edition:
P. Mastandrea, Un Neoplatonico latino. Cornelio Labeone (Testimonianze e frammenti), Leiden 1979.
Mastandrea has collected the eighteen extant fragments of Labeo’s works, all of which are of certain attribution since they mention the author’s name. The first seven of these come from the De fastorum libris; they are transmitted by Macrobius (1, 5), John Lydus (2, 3, 4, 6), and Anastasius of Sinai (7). The next two (8, 9) have been attributed to the Libri Etruscae disciplinae; both John Lydus and Fulgentius preserve them in this order. Eight more fragments (10-17) come from the De diis animalibus; they are transmitted by Servius (10), Servius Danielis (12a), Macrobius (12b), Augustine (11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17). The final fragment (18) is the only one form the De oraculo Apollinis Clarii; it is transmitted by Macrobius. Most of these discuss aspects of rituals and festivals from the pagan calendar. [G. Vanotti; tr. C. L. Caterine].