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Reference edition:
Pseudacronis Scholia in Horatium Vetustiora, recensuit O. Keller, 2. voll, Lipsiae 1902-1904 (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana).
The text offered here is that of the Teubner edition, edited by O. Keller, but the text of Odes IV has been critically revised by C. Longobardi (in this website, section Other resources - Modern studies on late antiquity, there is a list of all textual variants proposed by the curator). This revision is intended to restore the mss. lessons when they are acceptable. It is part of the results of the PRIN 2009 project BibCLat, Digital Library of Latin Commentators (scientific resp. M. Squillante) which involved the Universities of Naples Federico II - Perugia - Eastern Piedmont - Rome Tor Vergata - Salerno – Trieste.
In its earliest version, the commentary’s exegetical approach appears to depend on citation, on the similarities between the commentary’s notes — primarily those related to mythography —, and that of Servius. [C. Longobardi; trad. C. Belanger]