Reference edition:
Hermeneumata Vaticana (cod. Vat. Lat. 6925), ediderunt G. Brugnoli et M. Buonocore, Città del Vaticano 2002 (Studi e testi 410).
The text of the Hermeneumata Vaticana is transmitted by a single source (Vat. Lat. 6925) and has almost certainly come down to us in an incomplete state. The manuscript is itself of composite manufacture and the pages on which the text is written (67r-78v) date to the second half of the 9th c. This Greco-Latin compilation - or at least what is left of it - comprises 17 capitula (<de rebus divinis>; de caelo; de subaetheriis; de terra; de arboribus; etc.), an introduction, and a conclusion. The first chapter has lost its title, and we find here a series of epithets belonging to the Trinity, suggesting the intervention of a Christian compiler. It corresponds, in other Hermeneumata, to a chapter de diis that included lists of pagan deities. Moreover, Christian influences can also be identified in the conclusion. [P. Gatti; tr. C. l. Caterine].