Reference edition:
Hermeneumata pseudodositheana, ed. G. Goetz, Lipsiae 1892 (= Corpus glossariorum Latinorum, III), pp. 94-108.
The so-called Fragmentum Parisinum belongs to an independent recension of Hermenaumata, but presents certain points of contact with the Hermeneumata Leidensia. It contains two texts: the Fabulae Aesopiae and the Tractatus de manumissionibus. It has been transmitted primarily by ms. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, lat. 6503 (9th c.). Scaliger produced a sparse but complete copy of the Tractatus in the 16th c. (Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, Scalig. 61), which Georg Goetz published in 1892. [P. Gatti; tr. C. L. Caterine].