Reference edition:
Rhetores Latini Minores, ex codicibus maximam partem primum adhibitis emendabat Carolus Halm, Lipsiae 1863, 593-595 (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana).
This treatise, which was edited by Karl Halm as part of his Rhetores Latini Minores, contains a series of extracts from Cicero’s De Inventione (Halm 593-5). The brief text was included in Beatus Renanus’editio princeps of the rhetoricians published by Froben (Basel 1521) and is based on an apograph of the now-lost Speyer Codex that Renanus personally copied. Claude Capperonnier subsequently reedited the work with a few emendations in his Antiqui rhetores Latini (1756), the last edition before it was taken up by Halm. Ippolito corrects Halm’s assertion that the text only contains extracts of De. Inv. 1.34-43, noting that on a few pages of the treatise one also finds parts of Book 2 on the adtributa personae et negotio interspersed with those from Book 1. These adhere to the following order: 1.34; 2.28-9; 1.35; 2.29-30; 1.36; 2.30; 1.36; 2.30-1; 1.36-43. Apart from the likelihood that it post-dates the commentary of Marius Victorinus, no plausible hypotheses for the work’s dating have been proposed. [A. Balbo; tr. C. L. Caterine].