Reference edition:
Grammatici Latini, V. Artium Scriptores minores. Cledonius Pompeius Iulianus etc., ex recensione H. Keilii, Hildesheim 1961, 327, 2-30 (reprografischer Nachdruck der Ausgabe, Leipzig 1868)
Keil published three brief excerpts from a tenth-century manuscript (GL 5.327.2-30): in the first paragraph, the writer quotes the first dozen words of Donatus’ definition of barbarismus (653.2-3 Holtz), then describes the contents of the Ars minor and Ars maior; in the second paragraph, he asks why Donatus said that salmentum was a barbarism (for salsamentum: 653.11-12) despite the authority of Caper, “antiquissimus doctor”; in the third, he asks why Donatus classified pernities (for pernicies) as a barbarism per inmutationem syllabae when only one letter was changed (in fact, Donatus probably wrote permities: 654.1). [R. Kaster]