Reference edition:
Fabii Planciadis Fulgentii V. C. Opera; Accedunt Fabii Claudii Gordiani Fulgentii V. C. De aetatibus mundi et hominis et S. Fulgentii episcopi super Thebaiden, recensuit Rudulfus Helm, addenda adiecit Jean Preaux. Ed. stereotypa ed. anni 1898, Stutgardiae 1970 (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana).
This text comprises a glossary of sixty-two rare words that had fallen into disuse for linguistic reasons or because they referred to ancient institutions (e.g. the Arval Brethren). Each lemma is introduced by the formula “quid sit/sint,” followed by a short definition and a citation of the author in whom it is attested (Plautus and Petronius are common, as are many lesser authors). The text is based on eight principle manuscripts, but its large number of recentiores reveals that it was extremely popular. [M. Manca; tr. C. L. Caterine].