Several new texts are now available on the DigilibLT website: Ausonius, Gratiarum actio (4th century), two medical texts by Caelius Aurelianus, Celeres passiones and Tardae passiones (5th century), and Boethius, Philosophiae Consolatio (6th century). [Andrea Balbo]
One of the most interesting late-antique historiographical corpora, written in the 4th century, is now available on the DigilibLT website: the Liber de Caesaribus by Sextus Aurelius Victor, and the Corpus tripertitum uel Aurelianum, comprising the so-called Epitome de Caesaribus, the text De uiris illustribus urbis Romae and the text Origo gentis Romanae (4th century).[A. Balbo; tr. L. Battezzato]
Several new texts are now available on the DigilibLT website: Solinus, Collectanea rerum memorabilium (3rd-4th century AD), Vegetius, Epitoma rei militaris (4th-5th century) and two medical texts by Caelius Aurelianus, De salutaribus praeceptis and De speciali significatione diaeticarum passionum (5th century) [A. Balbo; tr. L. Battezzato]